
200 2023-12-11 13:16



1. 病因


  • 湿疹:湿疹是一种常见的皮肤病,手掌红往往是湿疹的症状之一。
  • 过敏反应:某些过敏原如花粉、食物等进入人体后,可能引起手掌发红。
  • 局部炎症:手掌红也可以是某些局部炎症的表现,如烧伤、疱疹等。
  • 酒精过敏:某些个体对酒精过敏,饮酒后可能出现手掌红。


  • 肝硬化:肝硬化是慢性肝病的一种表现,手掌红经常伴随肝硬化出现。
  • 肝癌:肝癌是肝脏恶性肿瘤,患者常常伴有手掌红等症状。
  • 肝炎:肝炎是最常见的肝脏疾病之一,患者可能在肝炎病程中出现手掌红。
  • 肝功能衰竭:严重的肝功能衰竭患者,手掌红往往是其表现之一。

2. 症状




3. 治疗方法






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Difference between Red Palms and Liver Palms

Red palms and liver palms are two common palm conditions with slight similarities but differing causes, symptoms, and treatment methods. This article will provide you with a detailed explanation of the differences between red palms and liver palms, assisting you in better understanding and recognizing these two conditions.

1. Causes

Red palms refer to abnormal redness or congestion on the palms, usually caused by factors such as inflammation, allergies, infections, and circulatory disorders. The main causes of red palms are as follows:

  • Eczema: Eczema is a common skin condition, and red palms are often one of its symptoms.
  • Allergic reaction: Certain allergens such as pollen or food can cause red palms upon entering the body.
  • Local inflammation: Red palms can also be a manifestation of local inflammation, such as burns or herpes.
  • Alcohol allergy: Some individuals may be allergic to alcohol and experience red palms after drinking.

Liver palms are palm abnormalities caused by liver dysfunction. The main cause is liver damage resulting from liver disease, and clinical presentations commonly include:

  • Liver cirrhosis: Liver cirrhosis is a manifestation of chronic liver disease, often accompanied by red palms.
  • Liver cancer: Liver cancer is a malignant tumor of the liver, and patients often exhibit symptoms such as red palms.
  • Hepatitis: Hepatitis is one of the most common liver diseases, and patients may experience red palms during the course of the disease.
  • Liver failure: Severe liver failure patients often present red palms as one of the symptoms.

2. Symptoms

Red palms and liver palms also exhibit some differences in terms of symptoms:

The symptoms of red palms usually include redness and congestion on the palms, sometimes accompanied by itching and desquamation. The severity and extent of red palms vary among individuals, ranging from localized redness to involvement of the entire palm.

On the other hand, liver palms are characterized by prominent red patches on the palms. The red color of liver palms is more vivid and often appears in confluent nodular shapes with clear boundaries between the fingers. When touched, they often feel warm. For patients with liver disease, liver palms are a unique manifestation of liver damage.

3. Treatment Methods

Treatment methods for red palms and liver palms vary due to their different causes:

For red palms, it is important to identify the specific underlying cause and implement corresponding treatment measures. For red palms caused by eczema, topical corticosteroids, antiallergic medications, and avoidance of allergens can be used for treatment. For red palms caused by allergies, it is important to avoid contact with allergens as much as possible, and oral and topical antiallergic medications can be used for treatment. For red palms caused by inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs and topical antibiotic ointments can be used for treatment.

Treatment for liver palms mainly focuses on treating liver disease. Specific treatment methods include: controlling the progression of liver cirrhosis and implementing symptomatic relief treatment; considering treatments such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery for liver cancer; actively treating hepatitis and controlling the development of inflammation; protecting the remaining liver function and, if necessary, undergoing liver transplantation for liver failure.


In summary, although red palms and liver palms are both palm conditions, they differ in causes, symptoms, and treatment methods. If you notice abnormal red patches on your palms, seek medical attention promptly for a professional diagnosis and the development of an appropriate treatment plan. Remember, timely diagnosis and treatment are of great significance in alleviating symptoms and controlling the progression of the condition.
